For workshops or private yoga instruction, information on Organic production or certification, or questions about taking kids to India, you can contact me by email on

For workshops or private yoga instruction, information on Organic production or certification, or questions about taking kids to India, you can contact me by email on

Hi, I’m Jessica. My full name is Jessica Fairlight Walden and I am a nature-loving, yoga-doing, mother of two who loves travel and adventure, positive people, music, dancing, reading, and the simple pleasures in life. 

I am an advocate of organic agriculture and have 19 years experience in organic certification. My certification work has brought me to many places in the world, including the US, Australia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea. I have worked in all aspects of organic certification, including producer, handler, livestock, and organic personal care capacities. Questions related to organic production systems, the organic regulations, and organic certification are always welcome.

As I cultivated my career in organics, I also developed a daily yoga practice. I started my Ashtanga Yoga practice with David and Simi Roche in 1994 while studying as an Exchange Student at the University of Adelaide in Australia. In 2004, I moved to Encinitas with my family and studied with Tim Miller. Over the last 14 years I have made several trips to Mysore, India, to study with Guruji, Sharath and Saraswati and have been granted a Teaching Authorization Certificate from the KPJAYI in Mysore. Because of my other career and parenting commitments, I teach yoga selectively and for limited periods of time, including short workshops and private instruction. 

You will notice that many of my yoga photos, demonstrations and instructional videos on this site are not polished and are often set against the backdrop of the living room with kids, animals, furniture and shoes in view. While one day I might learn how to use a real video camera and how to edit out distractions, I also want to show that yoga is life, that all the distractions of life are alive and well in most of our realities, and that the practice can still carry on in the middle of it all. What you see is the reality of living, working, parenting and practicing. Nothing special, but everything real.